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3 Essential Books Every Writer, Student and Professional Needs

Updated: Oct 7, 2018

Over the past few years of studying a degree- majoring in Professional Writing and Internet Communications- I have accumulated several textbooks, but I use these three textbooks the most, and I simply cannot live without them. Naturally- because knowledge is power and we have to pass it on- I had to share these books with you because they will change your life. Now I know what you're thinking, textbooks are boring. Right? But trust me on this, If you are a writer like me, a student in any field, or you are wanting to up your game in the professional world, then these three books are for you, too.

Buy them, browse them, use them when the occasion calls for it- which will be any time you write.

Here's why:

Communications Toolkit

Grellier, J., & Goerke, V. (2014). Communications Toolkit (3rd ed.). Melbourne: Cengage

This textbook is an absolute must for any student. No matter how long you have been studying or how good you are at writing assignments, this book will still be an incredibly useful study tool. This book offers a very detailed guide on writing assignments at an academic level. But more than that, this book details how to write well and simplifies the process by highlighting the key ingredients to a well-formed piece of writing.

Chapters Include:

  • Transition to Tertiary Studies

This section details in-depth what to expect of higher education and how to prepare. If like me, it's been a long time since school, or even if you are transitioning from school to University, Communications Toolkit will help prepare you for a successful study experience.

  • Research Skills

Refine your research skills and in turn your critical thinking, and understand the fundamentals of referencing. This section is imperative because research and referencing is the foundation to all good assignments, writing, projects, etc.

  • Academic Writing

Now this chapter is by far the most helpful chapter. The pages in my book are probably wearing thin because I use them that much. I continually use this section as a reference guide for each and every unit and for nearly every assignment. Here you will understand the fundamentals of academic writing, with examples! From how to form sentences and paragraphs to the do's and don't's, plus detailed instructions on what goes into a thesis, introduction, body, and conclusion of an assignment.

  • Refining Your Writing

You will love this chapter and use it well. Here you will find detailed tips on how to edit a draft and turn your writing into a polished, professional, and exceptional piece. You'll find anything from 'how to form a sentence' to 'punctuation' to 'things to avoid'.

  • Face-to-Face Communication

Confession time- because I like to confess my academic sins- I haven't used this section because I study online; however, after browsing through this section for the purpose of this blog, I have discovered that perhaps I should have given it a read prior to this. This section is useful for campus students, and online students like me. It gives you a rundown on how to work as a team, which is essential to University studies. Here you'll also find the fundamentals of communicating with others. It seems like an obvious chapter, and maybe you'll dismiss it like I did, however, I do feel that the way we conduct ourselves and interact with others is imperative to life, so do as I say and not as I do: don't skip this chapter.

To purchase, go here.

Don't just take my word, read more reviews here.

How Writing Works: A field Guide to Effective Writing

Petelin, R. (2016). How Writing Works: A Field Guide to Effective Writing. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin.

This book reads more like a book and less like a text book. I simply love it and will forever use it. If you're wanting to advance your writing skills in the professional world, or in general, this book is for you. Leading on from the last book, this book goes one step further and details the fundamentals of writing well. There are also some activities at the end of each chapter so that you can apply your new-found skills, which I loved. Petelin does well here to detail the do's and don't's of writing in a very engaging and simplified way. Each chapter is exceptional and practical, and essential, and...just trust me and buy the book- she makes sense of English and writing, and after reading it you will smack your forehead, raise your brows and say 'ah-huh'.

Chapters Include:

  • How writing works

  • How reading works

  • How words work

  • How sentences and form-class words work

  • How structure-class words and paragraphs work

  • How punctuation works

  • How structure and design work

  • How genres and workplace documents work

  • How genres and academic writing work

  • How digital writing works

  • How revising, editing, and proofreading work

See what I mean?! Get the book, here :)

Don't just take my word, read more reviews here.

The Australian Editing Handbook

Flann, E., Hill, B., & Wang, L. The Australian Editing Handbook, (3rd ed.). Milton: Wiley.

Okay, confession time again: this book is a little bit more textbooky, but I promise it's still essential. If you don't read this book- or at least buy it and use it chapter by chapter when the occasion calls for it- and find it useful than...well it just won't happen. You'll love and praise this book like I do. Seriously, this book will up your editing game. Again, coupled with the other two books you have a well-formed essential tool-kit that will improve your writing, and your grades.

NB: This book is aimed more towards those in the Professional Writing and Publishing Field. However, because this book centres around the editing process, this book provides a massive insight into the details of professional editing.

Chapters Include:

  • Introduction to publishing

  • The Basics of Editing

  • The Production Process

To purchase, go here.

Don't just take my word, read more reviews here.

Okay, that's it from me. If you have any books you'd like to share, textbooks or otherwise that have changed your life, drop a comment here and share the knowledge.

Continue to Write, Read, Talk, and Live life. #writereadtalklive #studentlife #readinglife #writerslife

Leah x

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